If The Apprentice teaches us anything about business, it is that business is ruthless and full of cruel people who would rather sell their mother's house than fail in closing a deal. It is also full of idiots; people who can't look outside their own little bubble world.
In the last twelve weeks, regular viewers (i.e. me) have witnessed enough back-stabbings to keep some reputable knife company (that I can't think of right now) in business, acts of idiocy that defy science, and the biggest over use of the phrase "giving 110%" ever recorded.
Fourteen small-minded, shallow, selfish, arrogant, self-assured people were narrowed down to just four: A loud girl called Claire, a boring girl called Helene, a slimy guy called Alex and Lee 'That's what I'm talkin' about' McQueen.
And if The Apprentice teaches us anything else about business, it is that nice guys will finish first (or be back stabbed by people they thought were friends. Poor Raef.)
The show ended tonight with the best man getting the job; the guy who never got involved in boardroom politics (he was hardly ever there), never betrayed or bitched, and did the job to the best of his ability.
Good call Sir Alan.
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