Monday 15 September 2008

The Game of Drinking

I like getting drunk.

This isn't a new statement, or something you won't find coming out of the mouth of most young people, but I have a degree so somehow my opinion counts more.

I like the tingle of tipsiness, and the skewed off-balance feeling when you stand up without realising just how much you have consumed. It's a game, a new way to look at life.

I'm a good drunk. When I drink, I don't get violent or miserable; I'm your best friend, and loud, and up for crazy misadventures.

I like the stories the day after. The cigarette burns or the failed wooing attempts or that friend who disappeared for half the night.

Alcohol is the spirit of adventure, the lubrication to have an awesome night. Play the game right, and have fun.

Play the game wrong, however...

I don't like feeling sick or being sick. I don't like when the drink catches up with you, and you realise at this point how much you consumed.

I'm a good drunk. When I drink, I know how much to drink most of the time. It's a fine line: lots is fun, loads is sickly. And I never drink alone.

I don't like not having stories to tell the next day; the black holes in your memory that are lost forever.

Alcohol is the devil. It infects your soul, plays your body like a banjo, makes you honest and deceitful and mean and ignorant. Play the game wrong and you spiral into destruction.

Play the game right, however...

[Return to beginning]


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