Thursday, 11 September 2008

Happy News

Okay, where to begin.

First, the world hasn't ended. As far as good news goes, this is right up there. It means I can keep breathing and living, two of my favourite things to do in the world. The experiment didn't go wrong, and we weren't sucked into nothingness. Which is awesome, since nothingness gets dull after a few hours.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, read a paper sometime!

In more localized, personal news: Jessica is back from the dead. She's had new parts stuck in and has spent several hours this evening having new drivers installed so she can do more than just sit here and look pretty, but she is now good as new, with the exception of a slightly sticky spacebar (And yes, you DO have a sick mind!).

What this means, hopefully, is that severe lack of me on this site should be remedied in the very near future. I've got posts written, I really have, but they remain stuck on my internet-free desktop out of sheer laziness on my part. They're really good though. Honest.

I have, however, been unable to recover the documents from the old Jessica, so am now script-less. But the reason (or one of them) I haven't been updating is because I've been writing other things. Like a short script and a treatment for the pilot that I lost.

Oh, I also have a girlfriend, something I realized the other day that I haven't mentioned here yet. So I'm going out with Emma now, which I'm sure is interesting to the one person who reads this that doesn't know me personally. I'm sure she'll get a kick out of seeing her name again, if she ever gets time off work to read this.

The story of our get-together is quite interesting, but also long and I'll probably need permission to tell it. Post for another day, methinks.

Oh, and the American television season is starting up again. Which means new 'House', new 'Bones' and new 'Heroes' (In order of importance). I've also become addicted to 'How I Met Your Mother' too, and the new season brings more episodes of that. I'm a little in love with Neil Patrick Harris, since he is both Dr Horrible and Spiderman rolled into one.

Anyway, I'm running out of good news right now, it's late, and I'm up early in the morning. This was mostly just to say, I'm back! Sorta. Maybe. Here's hoping!



Unknown said...

HIMYM is the bomb! Suit up!

Life (And Sandwiches) said...

I'm still trying to work a list of HIMYM phrases into real life.

Things like:
"Suit Up!"
"You've been lawyered"
"It's going to be legen...wait for it...dary!"


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