Friday, 26 September 2008


As this post comes online, the following events should have happened.

Emma should have closed her eyes before stepping into my house. She should have then opened her eyes again to see a cuddly elephant toy next to two wine glasses.

She'll love it of course, because it is cute and it is an elephant. She will then proceed to hug either it or me. Possibly both.

From the fridge, I'll remove some rose wine and pour two glasses. We'll drink as the oven heats up.

When it is at the suitable temperature, I will proceed to try and cook 'Duck a la Orange' with little knowledge of the actual process needed. Oh, and with noodles and stir-fry vegetables.

We'll eat, drink more wine, and the elephant toy will have none because he is inanimate.

For dessert, strawberry tarts are in order. Also, more wine. When we are both suitably drunk, I will show her this very post and marvel at how much everything went to plan.

Or how good intentions oft go astray or however the phrase goes. We'd be too drunk to care anyway.


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