Thursday, 25 September 2008

Tropic Thunder

What’s It About?
Ben Stiller, Robert Downy Jr, and Jack Black are all shooting a terrible war film in Vietnam. In a bid to make the film work, the director takes them into the jungle to shoot guerilla-style.

But they go too far and encroach on a drug lord's territory. They're lives are in danger and the actors just think it's all a film. Hilarity ensues.

My Thoughts Going In…
With a cast of Downey Jr, Stiller, Black, Coogan and Cruise, who wouldn't be excited by this film? No-one, that's who. You know, if you couldn't guess the answer.

Looks Like…
Since it is never in the film rulebook that comedies have to look good, it's quite refreshing to see one that does. No expense has been spared and we're treated to big explosions and some nice filmic shots.

Some ropey CGI let the film down every now and then, but only in brief blip form.

Sounds Like…
Like the visuals, the music here was BIG. War movie big. Epic, even.

Actual songs fit well into the plot, interweaving the story well. At least, until a certain song and a certain celebrity dressed on a fat suit dancing. Then the music is ill-advised. In fact, the whole scene is.

Feels Like…
Night at the Museum should have been funnier. With a cast of Stiller, Wilson, Coogan, Williams and Dick Van Dyke(!), comedy gold should have been pouring out of the screen and into your eye sockets.

And since the review is about Tropic Thunder, that film should have been funnier too. Ben Stiller is playing Zoolander again, which means playing the same jokes. Jack Black, and actor who relies mostly on charisma, is lacking that very charm for most of the film. Steve Coogan is removed, rather forcefully, too soon to have any real comedic impact.

So it should have been funnier, but doesn't mean there aren't laughs to be have.

Robert Downey Jr proves once again that he could play any role ever created by playing an Austrailian who is playing a black sergant. Any scene with him is guarenteed to put a smile on your face. His banter with the other black actor is a highlight.

Danny McBride, the comedy face-to-watch, gets the same kind of role as he had in Pineapple Express. Basically, he gets beat up and plays stupid for laughs.

Matthew McConaughey pulls an amazing comedy talent out of the bag. His tough agent, with an innocent view of friendship, is the films second best character. And he only loses out because Downey is awesome.

And Ben Stiller, even when repeating himself, is still one of the best comedic talents we have.

So yes, it's still funny. The plot is smarter than it lets on, with subtle references to the film industry that flew over a lot of heads. It also sails perilously close to some offensive material, so credit has to be given for getting away with it.

I feel that if the film was looser, and the actors able to riff more, the whole thing would be funnier. But maybe I'm just tainted by Judd Apatow films now.

Good, but not as good as it could have been. Funny, but not as funny as it could have been. Almost a wasted opportunity, saved by the strength of the performers and a wonderfully funny cameo by Tobey Maguire.

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