Thursday, 24 January 2008

Emma Takes Over The Blog!

I've been bugging Chris to write his blog all about me since he started it, and now he's gone one better and has let me write one myself. I even get to have my name in the title! Only problem is I don't really know what to write. This entry could be all about how great I am, but unfortunately it's much more fun to read what other people think of you, rather than just writing what you think of yourself. Also, I have an exam tomorrow which I really should be revising for instead of writing this. Not that I have actually been revising anyway. I've been attempting to win on the Hard level of Spider Solitaire, and that's all Chris's fault too. So basically if I fail my exam he gets the blame!

Chris did suggest I write an ode to Stephen Fry, but I think that would take too much effort and imagination. He also suggested I post a poem I like, but the only poems I know are from the 16th and 17th Centuries. And I don't particularly like them, I just have to study them! So basically I'm stuck for ideas, but he did say it didn't have to be very long and I feel I've waffled long enough. This rubbish entry just serves Chris right for being too busy to write his own blog.

I would also like to apologise if you don't feel there are enough commas in this entry, but unfortunately I haven't 'embraced the comma' like Chris has - I am trying to though!

So in the words of Lil Chris . . .

'Have Fun'


PS. I thought I'd add a picture of Justin Timberlake, because for some reason Chris doesn't think he's a legend. But I do, and today it's my blog so there!!! Bye Bye Bye! :D hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I take over a day?!?
I'm better than Emma. And I won't put smelly JT at the top.

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