Sunday, 13 January 2008

A 2008 Me

The 2008 me will be a healthier me. He will avoid all that bad fizzy drink and replace it with good healthy water and juicy juice, all the better to make him big and strong.

The 2008 me will not avoid the gym, but embrace it as a way of life. He will run on that running machine and try his hardest not to get bored of the constant put-put-put of jogging. He will lift those weights until they can be lifted no more. Then he will put them down and repeat the process until he or the weights or both are dead.

The 2008 me will find a better way to describe jogging and never use the term 'put-put-put' again.

The 2008 me will enjoy writing itself and not just the act of having written. He will enjoy inhabiting his various characters even if they do annoy him. And he will actively make time to sit and write something, no matter how rubbish, instead of gallivanting around doing everything and anything that isn't writing.

The 2008 me will continue his love for the comma.

The 2008 me will find the courage to speak to more strangers, even if they scare him with their eyes and their knowing looks and their hair with all its hairiness.

The 2008 me will be visiting the cinema a whole lot more, now that he has his very own cinema buddy. She even comes with her own thoughts and opinions on the films, which is a whole lot better than eavesdropping on strangers to see what they think.

The 2008 me probably won't be cutting down on the drink, but will be replacing the more expensive Bulmers with the cheaper alternative of Strongbow. That way, not only can he get the same amount of drunk, he can also buy some sort of sandwich for the journey home.

The 2008 me will try real hard to just not try and understand girls at all and just accept that they are weird and un-understandable. If anyone tries to explain them, he will just put his fingers in his ears and go "La-la-la, I'm not listening!".

The 2008 me will have to attempt to become a real legitimate adult at some point because the 2008 me will be turning 21 soon. This is the universal age for people to stop mucking around with childish thoughts and buckle down, get themselves a mortgage and a real job. The 2008 me will be doing this. Hopefully. Maybe. Probably not.

The 2008 me will make lists of things that he needs to do and not rely on his very sketchy memory to help him remember things.

The 2008 me forgot what this next point was going to be.

Most importantly, the 2008 me will keep this blog running longer than one post. He may even make it to three.

Happy New Year (Only Thirteen days late)



Anonymous said...'re an idiot.

I'm going to hold you to these.

Anonymous said...
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