Thursday, 21 February 2008

Who am I?

What follows below is an assignment set in writing class today. It is supposed to help us discover who we really are, as people and as writers. Then, or so the theory goes, we'll be able to write more honestly and just plain better.

We were also told that we didn't have to share our answers with anyone, but I figure I may as well kill two birds with one stone and get a blog out of this. So anyhow:

What things matter to me?

[I've sat here for about 20 mins unable to start this thing. Apparently not the easiest question.]

The fact that I am here right now and (vaguely) healthy matters to me. The fact that I have friends who I can speak to into the early hours of the morning and never get bored matters to me.

It matters that I have the world ahead of me. It matters to me that I've got a fairly good, if a little warped, head on my shoulders and could cope with a number of things if and when they happen.

What things do I adore?

Little easier to answer this. I adore people, and new places and old places that feel comfortable. I adore my friends and my family. I adore comfortable silences and long conversations.

I adore well-cooked food. I adore a cold drink on a hot day or a hot drink on a cold day. I adore being really sweaty, then getting in a car, winding down the windows and driving really fast.

I adore rain because it makes everything seem more dramatic. I believe that the most romantic place you can kiss someone is in a downpour, followed closely, in second place, by a train station.

I adore snow, because it makes things beautiful.

I adore photography: other people's and my own. I adore looking back and feeling how I felt back when the picture was taken.

I adore stories: written, filmed, drawn, whatever. I like to travel places in my mind; new places and dark places and places I would never get to go normally.

I adore bubble wrap.

I adore a political smackdown from the 'West Wing' or moments when House is sarcastic or when Angel is dark and broody. I love good dialogue; pre-planned and spontaneous.

I adore hugs when I'm feeling down. Or when I'm happy. Or just, you know, whenever.

I adore being alone in the house, putting on some music and dancing like nobody can see me. Because nobody can.

I adore that point when lying in bed, not quite awake but not quite asleep, where you can let your mind wander and dream. It is usually in this state that I discover the solutions to all the world's problems, forgotten when I awake.

What things do I hate?

I hate waking up early. I hate the guilt of shopping. I hate lettuce and the feel of bananas.

I hate grey days, and working on mornings after and I hate writer's block.

I hate not having the courage to speak to certain people, ask certain questions or do something I'd really like to do. Sometimes I hate being nice, but not for long.

I hate nasty lies and people who boast. I hate ego and boys who are boys for the sake of it. I hate people who believe that society or art or religion exists in one form. I hate people who just don't try.

What do I most value?

I value freedom and friendship over everything else. It is a sad state of affairs that we need money to gain real freedom, away from the 9-5 jobs and bills.

What do I most despise?

Very similar to what I hate, but I despise people who are ignorant; both intelligently ignorant and emotionally ignorant. People who don't look beyond their own perceptions, who don't seek to stand in someone else's shoes or to better themselves in any way.

You bore me. You are wasting a life that someone or something or just plain fate has given you. We are created to constantly raise the bar and better ourselves, and your path of least resistance approach means that I will never care for you.

Who are the people that matter to me and why?

My parents, because without them I am nothing. Literally, nothing!

My brother and sister and the step-ones in between. Mostly after Uni, because now I know that I am closer to them than I ever thought I was. No matter how annoying they are.

My old-school friends for the ease in which we can slip into conversation. It can be about nothing and mean everything. It is always reassuring to know that no matter how my life changes me, as long as they are still my friends, I must be doing something right.

My new-school friends for teaching me that life isn't my one experience and that other views exist. For showing me that people don't have to share the same taste in film, music or anything else to find some common ground and become friends.

What changes have happened to me and why?

Since when?

I've got taller, but not that tall. I've got more cynical, but still naive. I got more confident, but not enough. I've got smarter, but still have way too much to learn.

I know more about me and I know more about my friends. I've learnt more about the world but my opinion on it has stayed the same.

Also, I think I'm cuter.


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