My tap exploded on me last night.
I was completing the usual 'going to bed' routine, turned the tap and it made the loudest bang I ever did hear. Made me jump out of my skin.
The aftermath was worse though, a high pitched hissing noise. A little research revealed that it was coming from the pipe behind the sink and was the noise of water spraying out.
Now what am I supposed to do in this situation? It isn't like I was taught how to deal with a pipe leak before I left home. At what point are we supposed to learn these things?
I thought of leaving it and just going to bed, but the idea of the floor collapsing through into the kitchen meant that morally I had to find a solution. I tried a flannel, wrapping it around the offending pipe. It just got wet and began to drip.
In frustration, I kicked it. Not too hard, not hard enough to affect my foot, but the hissing stopped. The water was staying in the pipe.
I turned the tap again. No bang. No hiss. No Flood.
So in conclusion, violence is the answer.
1 comment:
Hmmmmm ... GCSE's .. AS Levels and almost a degree and it never occurred to you to turn the tap on, therefore taking the pressure off the leaking seal and allowing the water to go down the plug hole which was designed, probably by Tibetan monks, for just that purpose ... Deep Sigh ..
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