Saturday, 31 May 2008

Moving Life

I'm concerned by the amount of blank days on this blog now, but pleased be assured in the knowledge that the entries are written. They are currently sitting scrawled in black pen inside an old notebook. All I need is the time to sit down and copy them across to an electronic format.

I work and I get home and then have about three hours before I should be grabbing sleep, time which I like to spend unwinding. This usually takes the form of reading books or watching films and doesn't usually included meticulously typing up the stuff I wrote at lunchtime.

I'm in the mood to do it tonight though, but I feel that this is because I really, really need to pack my stuff away. My brain sees typing as a more appealing alternative, but I have to resist the lure.

My room is in an odd state right now. Half is bare, stripped of posters and life, whilst the other half is messed up with junk and bags and junk in bags. The bare half scares me a little. A week ago I was all excited about the prospect of leaving and was very much an 'Only one week to go!' person.

More recently, today, I'm starting feeling a little melancholy about it all. I'm saying goodbye to people for the last time and it's a little depressing. I have got some hugs though, so not all bad news.

Anyway, back to packing! Just wanted to fill this space with something new, even if it is something rushed. I'm not dead!

Come back soon to see my freshly typed up views on fashion, music and the dangers of puddles.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop looking at this part of a life as the end of an era. Start to look at it as the start of one long life adventure. You have the best years ahead and now is the time to start living them OR ELSE !

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