Friday, 28 March 2008

Five On Friday: Best Numbers

Since I can't let the 'Five on Friday' theme end after one attempt, here is the next in the line. The five best numbers. It may seem like a cop-out, like something that won't take all that much time or effort. This is because it is technically Saturday and I'm technically hungover, so my brain technically doesn't work as well as it should and I can only technically recall a small amount of words from my memory banks and must technically use them anyway even if they don't technically fit.

So anyway...

My lucky number, and therefore fronting the list. I was born on the 21st, am now 21 and have a combined finger/toe count of 21. One of the above isn't true.

Any number named after a foodstuff is alright with me. I'm also really intrigued as to whether they can find an end to it, or whether it really will go on forever and ever.

The Meaning of Life.

There is something strangely, simplistically cool about this number. It kind of seems cute in an odd way. If I was going to pick a number I was most like, it would be two.

Seven Dwarfs, Seven Samurai, Severus Snape; it seems when the number seven is involved you have a force for good. Therefore, it makes the list.

20 -
New lucky number or just a reminder of how young I used to be? The jury is still out.
3 - It IS the magic number. Or a crowd.
101 - I often admire words that look the same forwards and backwards.


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