Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Supermarket Etiquette

Think of this blog as a public service annoucement to everyone and anyone who walks into a supermarket. Because I swear, you can be the smartest person the world has ever known and when you walk through the entrance to where I work, you become an idiot. Pay attention!

  • It is okay to let go of your trolley once in a while. Because even if someone wanted to steal it, they'll still have to go through the tills. So stop trying to manouver your shopping into a crowd of people to pick something off the shelves. Let it go. Walk to the shelf. Walk back. The trolley will still be there!

  • I don't care if you feel the price is too expensive. This cannot be stated enough. I don't care! I have absolutely no input in the pricing of the food that I put out and even if I did, I'd only tell you that the price is going to stay the same. It's the way the world works. Prices go up and prices go down. If you don't care when something goes three pence down in price, you can't care when it goes up by the same amount.

  • On the same note: We aren't trying to screw you. There is no big conspiricy to crank up the prices so that you are paying ridiculous amounts because we know that you can very easily go elsewhere. Also, we don't deliberately sell out of popular brands so that you buy our own stuff. We will always have Heinz Beans and always have Coca Cola.

  • When I smile and say "Sorry for the wait", I'm told to say this. Unless I made a mistake, there really isn't anything I could have done to speed up the last transaction. You should have got there sooner.

  • If I'm tidying and you take an item, do not (I repeat, DO NOT) say "Haha. Sorry for ruining your display" or any varient. You aren't sorry, otherwise you would pull something forward to fill the gap. You are also not original or funny. I may chuckle on the outside, but inside I have died a little.

  • Don't tell your kids that I will kick them out of the shop if they don't behave. Because I won't. Their misbehavior is keeping me entertained.

  • If you are fat and buying cream cakes (or anything along that vein), I'm going to judge you. On the outside I won't be saying anything, but every part of my inside wants to refuse you service.

  • No, I'm not going to reduce that item you have in your hand. If I was going to reduce it, I'm not now, because you want me to. Yes, I am that petty.

  • If you want to stand around and talk to your friend that you haven't spoken to in oh so long, fine. But please don't do it in the middle of a busy aisle. Because two people and two trolleys take up space, but it will be me being blamed when I try to put stuff out near you and people can't get past.

  • Don't get mad at me when I ask you for ID. Either you are old enough and look young, in which case you should be happy at your youthful features, or you aren't old enough, in which case you shouldn't even be trying to buy alcohol from me! I am in control of neither of these and therefore it is not my fault.

Hope you all feel educated now.



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