Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Fifty-Five Pence

"That's £4.05 then." said the train conductor lady, and I had the correct amount ready. It's what happens when you ride the same route every day.

"Oh wait..."

I stop passing the money over, expectant.

"It's £4.60 before nine."

I'm sorry, what?! Why is riding the train earlier in the day more expensive? I'm travelling the same distance, taking up the same amount of space. Why am I paying more? If anything, more people travel in the morning so the costs should lessen.

Perhaps that fifty-five pence is compensation for having to work mornings. If so, I'm missing a trick. Tomorrow I'll be speaking to my boss about a raise in my morning hours. After all, I could be sleeping.

But it's not like a ticket collector is the most taxing of jobs. You just walk up the train with a machine around your neck, saying "Tickets?" every now and then. If people need some, you punch numbers into the machine and it creates them for you. Easy.

They don't seem to be earning that extra 55p either. For my extra pennies, I demand a jig or a cooked breakfast or something. But all of this was left unsaid as I dug a few more coins from my pocket.

Left me feeling annoyed though, and along with a mild hangover and a perpetual dead arm I had a very lame day. There were a few events that mildly cheered me up though. A woman saying she was allergic to pheasant (Possibly a lie, but what an odd and very specific thing to be allergic to). Also, a cute mother/child scene; She (or he. Was a fairly androgynous baby) was shaking her head around like a crazy punk rocker when her mother looked her in the eye and kissed her forehead, calming the kid down. Something I call good parenting. Lame story, but what can I say? I'm a sucker for sentimental moments.

Come 6.30, in a bid to cheer myself up somewhat, I went to buy the latest issue of my magazine. At the stand, I checked by change. I was, irony of ironies, 55 pence short.


PS: The last part sadly isn't true. I was only twenty pence short.

This is one of the reasons that I can't believe in a higher power. Even an amateur writer (i.e. me) can see the perfect ending to the story. If a God isn't paying attention to today, what should make me think he's paying attention if I steal or sleep with the neighbour's wife.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said

"what should make me think he's paying attention if I steal or sleep with the neighbour's wife."

Where does it say in the bible there is anything wrong with sleeping with the neighbours wife ? And why would you want to steal her if all you want do is sleep ? Do you want her to make you bed ?

In respect of the train fare, its called RUSH HOUR. Something you will have to get used too as you enter the more real world of a working life !!! (I would laugh in an evil way but I find I am unable, probably a sore throat)

The Word verification is SCEXWOP, which is rude even to a man of my very advanced years.

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