Monday, 5 May 2008

Manic Monday (Fresh)

I’ve been failing this task for a while now, but feel it’s time I jumped back on the Manic Monday bandwagon. Even if it’s technically Tuesday.

I’ve been finding lately, because of the sudden onset of warm weather, that I’m very much against evening showers. It’s almost that I’m allergic to them.

I come home at night, sweaty from the walk home and smelling of boy, and find that despite really needing to be clean, I remain unwashed.

It’s a freshness thing, really.

Even if I do night-shower, by morning time I’m just not as fresh as I’d like to be to face the new day. I need another, and in this day and age of global warming and Al Gore winning Oscars, I refuse to waste the water.

I’m not even doing anything in my bed to justify the feeling of dirtiness when the sun rises. Okay, most nights anyway.

The shower is just part of the morning ritual that is necessary in order for the day ahead to be plain sailing. No matter how bad the previous day has been, no matter what I have had to put up with, I can stand underneath the hot jet of water and wash it all away.

The stress, the tears, the sweat can all be washed away and down the plughole. And anything remaining can be masked with mint and tea tree oil. I can start the day afresh.

I need to be a new person every new day. I need to be fresh and alive. I can’t leave the house with the smell of bed following me. Just what would people think?

So yes, right now I’m lying on the sofa and may not be the prettiest thing to enter your nostrils. But it’s for the best, in the grand scheme of things.

Tomorrow I’m going to be fresh.



Anonymous said...

When you lie awake in your bed .. pondering the un-ponderable ... just think on this ... you would have slept better having had a shower to relax you body before sleep.

Your Call!

Mo and The Purries said...

I love the line "can be masked with mint and tea tree oil"
cheers, and thanks for participating in Manic Mondays!
~manic mo

Rachel said...

lol at MO!!
btw, thats so gross..
just a thought

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