Sunday, 16 March 2008

The Dinosaur That Survived Extinction

Once upon a time, a long time ago (well, the story does involve dinosaurs) there lived a dinosaur called Katie. Well, she wasn't called Katie at the time, as dinosaurs very rarely gave names beyond growls, but Katie she would become and so we shall know her as that.

Katie was a curious dinosaur and she would often break off from her pack to explore her surroundings. She would tread along beaches and head into dark caves, just because.

One day, that one fateful day, she was busy exploring a cliff side cavern when a meteor hit. It was devastating and killed pretty much everything that was on the planet. Except crocodiles. And Katie.

She emerged from the cavern unscathed and very confused. Where had everyone gone?

The reptiles soon filled her in and she got on with her life. At first, she enjoyed the freedom that everyone being dead gave her. She could skip meals and freely prance around till the early hours of the morning. She didn't even have to worry about those pesky carnivores because they had all died when the comet hit.

But soon, humans arrived and made her life a whole bunch more complicated. At first, she revelled in the fact that she had new friends. She skipped along and introduced herself. But, to them, it came out as a roar and the humans were terrified.

They threw sticks and spears at her, driving her into isolation. There she sat, back in the cavern that helped her survive, alone and frightened. She cried dinosaur tears and curled herself in a ball.

Katie died there, I'm sorry to say. Abandoned by her dinosaur friends and persecuted by the humans she tried to befriend, she hid away, too afraid to leave to get food or water. She eventually starved to death.

But for just £3 a month, you can help dinosaurs like Katie. Your £3 will go towards dinosaur morsels, so she will never have to leave her cave. It will go towards a nationwide education programme that will reeducate the nation about the REAL threat from dinosaurs.

The media portrays dinosaurs as evil, bloodthirsty creatures and with your money we hope to reverse the damage that films such as 'Jurassic Park' and the programme 'Primeval' have done to dinosaur/human relations.

For just £3, you will be changing so many lives for the better. Katie thanks you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very moving story - but it doesn't make sense!! I thought Katie was the only dinosaur left, so how can we help dinosaurs like her!?

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