Monday, 10 March 2008

Manic Monday (Can)

Today's Manic Monday word is 'can'.

Little Jimmy was walking home and idly kicking a tin can. He'd boot it a couple of yards, hearing it clunk metallically on the pavement, before proceeding to kick it again. He figured he could kick it all the way home and have a prize for his efforts.

He even managed to kick it really hard to get it across the road and avoid it being crushed by a passing car.

It wasn't until a tiny swear word emerged from the can that he stopped kicking, to investigate. The can rolled to a stop, and out staggered a small tortoise, dizzy and disorientated.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The tortoise shouted. But because he was only small, and his vocal cords were the relative size, Jimmy heard very little. He stood, dumbfounded.

Appearing understanding, the tortoise beckoned him closer with a motion of his foot. But when Jimmy leaned in, the tortoise slapped him hard across the face.

"You just spent the last ten minutes kicking my home! Who do you think you are? Do you realise how long it is going to take me to get home. I'm a tortoise. I walk slow!" the tortoise ranted, littering it with profanities.

But Jimmy didn't care. What could a small reptile do to him? He just shrugged his shoulders and pushed at the tortoise experimentally with his foot. The tortoise, thanks to the effort of Jimmy, toppled over sideways and onto his back.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Pick me up!" he complained. But Jimmy paid little attention, and kicked the can again. It bounced down the street. Jimmy was going to manage to get that can home, that he knew.

And the poor tortoise was left helpless, balanced on his shell, legs flailing in the air. He tried to call out a few times, but no-one was around. It wasn't a very busy path.

Moral of the story: Tortoises are people too!


PS. I know that the picture is of a turtle and not a tortoise. But it looked cool.


Mo and The Purries said...

Aw, the poor little tortoise!
He shoulda kicked little Jimmy's butt!

Thanks for participating in Manic Mondays!
manic mo

Anonymous said...

There is a flaw in your story .. if the tortoise had only small vocal cords and Jimmy had to lean closer to hear him .. how come he heard the swearing in the first place ? eh ? come on explain !


P.S. Guess you are going to censor this comment to.

Sandee said...

What Mo said. I agree. Let's go kick little Jimmy's butt for being so mean. I'm going to go save the tortoise. Have a great MM. :)

Laura Brown said...

I'm impressed that you can tell a tortoise from a turtle. :) I read about it once but don't remember.

Durward Discussion said...

There is a special not nice place for tin can kicking boys.

Marilyn said...

I'm with Mo on this one. Jimmy isn't very likable.

Ivanhoe said...

Welcome to MM! And I don't like that Jimmy guy either. How can you tell turtle apart from tortoise?

Sarge Charlie said...

welcome to mm, it is fun

Life (And Sandwiches) said...

A tortoise is a land animal and has dinosaur-esque feet (although, obviously, smaller). A turtle is a water animal and has fins.

And the reason that the intial swearword could be heard, is because it was shouted at the top of the tortoise's lungs.


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