Today's Manic Monday Word: Egg.
The egg is the most underappriciated food of our current times. There it sits, all round and cool, whilst we forget its very existence. We eat something else or, when we do eat it, we do so with such horrifying apathy.
So from this moment, let us give the egg the attention it deserves. A food so versatile that it can be fried, boiled or scrambled. A food capable of making things as diverse as an omelette or a chocolate cake.
The egg can be used as a weapon, capable of causing maximum messiness. It can be used as a decoration, painted bright and with smily faces.
And at Easter, that sacred time of year, eggs become chocolate and brings smiles to the faces of little kids everywhere.
So here's to eggs. The greatest food ever*.
*After sandwiches. And pie. And cookies.**
**Okay. Let's just say its pretty good. Top twenty at least.***
***And it's easy to spell.
You are right - the egg is most underappreciated food ever. Except on Easter! :o))))
Happy MM!
Top twenty and easy to spell!
Thanks for participating in Manic Mondays!
~manic mo
How cute. Very well done post for egg. Have a great MM. :)
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