Monday, 3 March 2008

Manic Monday (Want)

This is an entry for something known as Manic Monday. Today's words is 'want' apparently so...

I want gets nothing. It was what I was always told as a kid.

I wanted a new bike.
"I want gets nothing."
I wanted to go out and play.
"I want gets nothing."
I wanted a cookie.
"I want gets nothing."

It is all "Please can I have" and "Would you be so kind?" and "Thank you very much" and "Pretty please with cherries and ice cream". If you're kind and polite, you get what you ask for.

But you know what? I'm old enough now that 'I want' gets me whatever I please. If I want a cookie, I will damn well get myself a cookie, politeness be damned. I'll walk into the cookie shop, point to my cookie of choice and, without saying a word, will pay for the doughy chocolatey goodness.

I'll step out of the shop and take a long, savoured bite. I may even go "Mmmm", if the cookie calls for it.

I won't have said "Please" and I won't have said "Thank you". By simply wanting a cookie, I would have got a cookie.

I want gets everything!



Linda said...

Funny how our "wants" change as we get older as there are no longer so unattainable as if we want for something, we get it ourselves!

Sandee said...

I love it. I love how you did this too. So very true. I want you to have a great MM. :)

Anonymous said...

Wanting implies desire ... you choice of wanting cookies seems abit strange in that it implies a desire for a cookie .. what a strange bad mannered person you have turned out to be .. lol lol

Marilyn said...

Well... technically is was "I want" plus a dollar or so.

That dollar is pretty important really.

This was a fun post.

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