I get bored easy. Simply writing that line, I'm now bored, but must continue regardless because of my hatred for blank white space.
I flit from one idea to the other, never able to keep my mind focused on one thing for long periods of time. I've started a screenplay about the end of the world, but stopped halfway through. Another screenplay, a buddy comedy, is still in the planning stages. A third, a romantic comedy called 'One Kiss' which takes place all over Europe, is sitting on my PC, one scene down.
I've started scripts on a superhero magician, an assassin, a rebel group in the future and a quest for a condom.
I'm writing a trilogy of short films about imaginary friends. Also a sequel to 'Tale of Teeth', in which tooth fairies begin to fade away because parents have stopped believing in them and are placing teeth under pillows themselves. I'm one chapter into a novel about a goldfish. I'm one panel into a comic book about the world of dreams. I'm an episode and a half into a new sci-fi TV show.
Seriously, if you log on to my computer and open a file, any file, you'll find a lot of interesting beginnings and about two finished pieces!
So it is into this list that I now add my latest venture: a new novel about a detective, investigating the world of the supernatural. An early morning writing session has produced the first 1500 words and last night I wrote a 500 word speech for my main character. Maybe more will be written. Maybe I'll get bored.
I do that easily.
Ah, a fellow writer. I know how that goes. I have a load of unfinished short stories and novels (hell, I have one novel that's 4 chapters away from being completed, but I'm too lazy to finish it). I've written 3 complete novels, 1 novella, and a handful of short stories.
But I totally know what you mean. I knew these guys who gave up reading my stuff (and didn't even care to listen to me talk about it) because I would never end up finishing it. But I am proud of what I have finished. It's just... new ideas are constantly on the flow.
Oh, and I hope you have a cool take on the supernatural detective thing, because it's been done quite a bit (unless you don't care about that kinda stuff).
It has crossed my mind on many an occasion that the whole supernatural detective thing's been done a thousand times before on TV. Hell, I've enjoyed watching most of them.
Do you know of any supernatural detective novels?
Anyway, I figure that I (hopefully) have a character that will make it more unique. He's kinda cool, witty, damaged, that sorta thing.
Also, he's not the supernatural element, which I like. He knows his stuff, but doesn't have any special powers or anything.
I'll see how it goes.
Well, a detective of the supernatural that doesn't have any abilities himself is a more unique twist. As you said, most supernatural detective stories are just that... supernatural detectives.
I can name you a bucket full of supernatural detective stories, but most of them are what we just stated. The only ones I can think of that have a normal guy (so to speak) are the Christopher Snow books by Dean Koontz. He's a regular guy... he has a disease, though (but it's a real disease) that makes him unable to heal damage from UV rays (it's very rare, but it exists... think the kids from the movie The Others).
But besides those, I can't think of any with normal detectives.
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