Wednesday, 5 March 2008


Today has been a good day. I woke, after a night out, hangover-less. The only sign of my previous night's drinking was a dry mouth which was quickly cured with a trip to the shop and the downing (and I do mean 'downing') of a bottle of Tropicana.

I finally got to grips with a coin trick on my walk into Uni.

I bought the BEST milkshake ever, drank it with my lunch sandwich. Seriously, if people are around Leeds, I will buy you one of these drinks. Delicious.

A 'Big Issue' seller waved at me and said hello to me, instead of a mumbled "Big issue?" which just makes it sound like he's saying "Bissue". That isn't even a word!

Then, the bank gave me an extra three hundred pounds to spend, at least until the end of the month. It always worries me how easy this is to do. One 5 minute meeting and the extra money is available in my account. But at least now I can eat for the next week and get a train home.

To top that trip off, they played my favourite Micheal Jackson song whilst I was waiting to be served.

Back at Uni, I find that a deadline that I have been dreading has been pushed back a whole month! Which gives me plenty of time to get my folder in order and get the film finished.

It was like the world was subtly moving all objects out of my path, just plain making my life easier.

I've been smiling the whole day and feel that it's only fair to share this feeling with everyone else. So, to make you smile, some (animal related) jokes:

Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, “You man the guns, I’ll drive!”

Two cows are standing in a field. The first one asks ‘Aren’t you worried about this mad cow disease?’The second one responds ‘It doesn’t worry me, I’m a duck’.

Grasshopper walks into a bar.
Bartender says "We have a drink named after you."
Grasshopper says "You have a drink named Steve?"

A bear walks into a bar and orders a "Gin …………………. and tonic."
The bartender asks him, “Why the big pause?”
The bear holds up his hands and says, “I was born with them.”


PS. I figured I would check that 'Bissue' definitely wasn't a word before I made such a statement. It isn't but BISU stands for Beijing International Studies University. So now you know.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I. Drink. Your. MILKSHAKE! *slurp* I DRINK IT UP!

(...sorry... you set me up so nicely, I couldn't resist).

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