So remember, drama room surrounded with curtains and a banana drawn on a white board. The scene is set.
For some reason, which time has let me forget, we were both behind the curtain, messing about. Whatever we were doing, play-fighting perhaps, it was causing ripples visible to people outside the curtain.
Faye commented, “I’m fairly sure this seems dodgy.”
To which I replied, “It’d be even dodgier if I told people I was back here showing you my banana.”
And from that lame piece of innuendo, a friendship was born. Maybe. Perhaps the sparks of companionship happened earlier. It isn’t important.
What IS important, is that seven or eight years later I was at her house, eating cupcakes and celebrating Miss Faye Tims turning the grand old age of twenty-one.
She has grown her hair for a bet, appeared in my film, taken part on many adventures to London, bought kittens, supported my need to dress up in fancy dress at least once a month, met my bike Squeaky Bob, fallen out with Squeaky Bob, stayed up late talking with me on too many occasions, got drunk with me on too many occasions, lost money on the It-box, been a loyal reader of both my blogs, becoming infected with my love for Buffy and House…
…always provided a roof over my head when I needed it (I can now navigate her house in the dark), always provided a lift when I needed it, talked pop-culture with me, provided me with retro toys, stalked cars when asked, and always been there for hugs.
It’s been a fun (Read: odd) few years and I’m certainly looking forward to the next one. And one thing hasn’t changed: the innuendo.
Although now we don’t hide it behind curtains anymore.
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