Today, I awoke with a double take, something right out of some kind of Warner Bros Cartoon. I reached up to grab my charging phone before retiring back to the warm comforts of bed sheets. It took me several moments to realize something.
Outside was white!
By white, I mean that overnight it had snowed. In fact, forget overnight. I had arrived home from the pub at half-twelve and hadn’t slept until half-three, and it was certainly NOT snowing during that time period. It had snowed in the very brief that I was in the land of nod.
This may not seem all that spectacular in and of itself, but a few other factors have to be taken into consideration. First, it was April, not known for its snow flurries. Second, it happened in the South of England, where it is very rare to even have a white Christmas, let alone any other time of year.
Thirdly, and perhaps what makes it most surreal, was that by the afternoon, all of the snow had melted. A few hours after I got up, it didn’t even look like it had ever been a festive wonderland. It just looked normal.
At this stage, I really wish I had some profound point to make on the subject. Maybe, I could comment on the sorry state of affairs that global warming has put us in (It concerns me a little that I typed ‘global warming’ with capital letters, as if it was the name for some kind of important evil, before changing my mind).
I’ll be honest though, I’m not so much the green activist. Sure, I see the benefits of recycling and will do so if provided the opportunity. I’ve also seen ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, but found a lot of it to be convenient lies. I like snow too.
A rant from me about the state our world is going, climate-wise, would be pathetic, false posturing and a waste of time. Especially when I could rant about the state our world is going, crime-wise, politics-wise or just plain wise.
Another way to round the blog to some kind of logical point or conclusion would be to compare and contrast the surreal climate to my life right now. I’m all over the place, things that I thought were true, weren’t, and I’m white.
The comparisons seem strained though, and I don’t melt in hot weather.
So I guess the best way to sort the situation out is just to stop looking for higher meaning in snow or my writing. Perhaps I should just bemoan the fact that I didn’t get any chance to play in the snow, and follow it with a sad face.
I didn’t get any chance to play in the snow.
Outside was white!
By white, I mean that overnight it had snowed. In fact, forget overnight. I had arrived home from the pub at half-twelve and hadn’t slept until half-three, and it was certainly NOT snowing during that time period. It had snowed in the very brief that I was in the land of nod.
This may not seem all that spectacular in and of itself, but a few other factors have to be taken into consideration. First, it was April, not known for its snow flurries. Second, it happened in the South of England, where it is very rare to even have a white Christmas, let alone any other time of year.
Thirdly, and perhaps what makes it most surreal, was that by the afternoon, all of the snow had melted. A few hours after I got up, it didn’t even look like it had ever been a festive wonderland. It just looked normal.
At this stage, I really wish I had some profound point to make on the subject. Maybe, I could comment on the sorry state of affairs that global warming has put us in (It concerns me a little that I typed ‘global warming’ with capital letters, as if it was the name for some kind of important evil, before changing my mind).
I’ll be honest though, I’m not so much the green activist. Sure, I see the benefits of recycling and will do so if provided the opportunity. I’ve also seen ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, but found a lot of it to be convenient lies. I like snow too.
A rant from me about the state our world is going, climate-wise, would be pathetic, false posturing and a waste of time. Especially when I could rant about the state our world is going, crime-wise, politics-wise or just plain wise.
Another way to round the blog to some kind of logical point or conclusion would be to compare and contrast the surreal climate to my life right now. I’m all over the place, things that I thought were true, weren’t, and I’m white.
The comparisons seem strained though, and I don’t melt in hot weather.
So I guess the best way to sort the situation out is just to stop looking for higher meaning in snow or my writing. Perhaps I should just bemoan the fact that I didn’t get any chance to play in the snow, and follow it with a sad face.
I didn’t get any chance to play in the snow.
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