Thursday, 10 April 2008

Watch This Space

I'm currently stuck in what I've come to call the blogger's dilemma.

If I have lots of time to write and blog, I have nothing to write or blog about, namely because I'm spending all my time writing and blogging, so I write and blog about writing and blogging and the whole thing swallows itself in a horrible cycle of lameness.

However, when my life becomes interesting, when I cook steak and drink and watch awesome films about elephants, I have no time to write about it. So the site remains empty and people think I must be boring because I'm not writing about things.

Let me reassure you now, stuff will be put here eventually, even if it involves cheating the dates. I'm currently dissertating, working on a documentary, preparing a presentation, writing a script treatment, designing a CV, working a job as well as shipping myself between an ever-increasing number of home-like places. This doesn't leave much time for blog writing.

So seriously, chill. Keep coming back, if only to see I haven't added anything. Pretty soon we'll be back to the original schedule.



Anonymous said...

However, when my life becomes interesting, when I cook steak and drink and watch awesome films about elephants, I have no time to write about it.

Should I look below for your blog on punctuation and content?

Life (And Sandwiches) said...

You can feel free to, but I'm fairly sure you'll find the sentence grammatically correct.

Sure, it may not be the most effective way of structuring a sentence but it isn't WRONG.


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